Michael Hales

Managing Director

Lorraine Injie

Executive Director

Gloria Ann Lockyer

Executive Director


Michael Hales

Managing Director

Michael is a founding director of Aboriginal United Services Pty Ltd. For the past 10 years he has followed his passion for implementing and driving business strategies to increase the economic development of Aboriginal people and Aboriginal-owned businesses. Michael holds a Bachelor of Commerce, with a double Major in Management and Marketing and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. 

Michael’s view is that there is a great opportunity for government and private sectors to partner with Aboriginal people and businesses to build upon relationships and drive ongoing sustainable economic and employment opportunities. The net effect of this will help drive positive outcomes for Aboriginal people in regional and metropolitan areas across Australia. The creation of more sustainable, diverse Aboriginal-owned enterprises is going to be one of the leading factors in closing the gap and an area Michael takes a lot of pride in being part of. Michael is looking forward to working with Lorraine and Gloria who have demonstrated through their respective careers and community involvement a strong alignment with the purpose and values of AUS, putting the company in a strong position to continue to have a positive impact in the communities AUS operates.

Contact Michael

Lorraine Injie (aka Loreen Ingie)

Executive Director

Lorraine is a passionate community focused individual who, over her career, has been heavily involved in education, training, Aboriginal advancement and senior executive roles. She is a highly respected Pilbara-based Aboriginal leader who currently sits on a number of boards including Yinhawangka Aboriginal Corporation, Gumala Aboriginal Corporation, North Regional TAFE Governing Council, National Languages Advisory Committee for the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, and the National Directions Group 2022-2023 International Decade of Indigenous Language and Regional Development Australia.

Lorraine is a member of IBN Corporation Pty Ltd, which is the charitable trust for the Yinhawangka, Banyjima and Nyiyaparli people. She has also been a great contributor to the success of IBN Corporation having previously held the positions of Manager for Language Culture and Heritage Programs (2013-2018), Chief Executive Officer (2018-2020) and Chairperson (2006-2018). Lorraine’s interest in language and culture started early in life. She grew up speaking the Yinhawangka language of both her grandmothers as well as the Banjima and Yindjibarndi languages of her grandfathers. Lorraine has devoted much of her life to language preservation in the Pilbara and has worked tirelessly against the race of time to document and provide tools for education and learning of traditional languages. Her role as an Executive Director for 27 years of Wangka Maya Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre has been instrumental in the centre having the largest database of recordings in Australia.

In addition to her extensive experience as an Executive Director, Lorraine is qualified in the areas of Education, Linguistics, Accounting and Business Administration and was a lecturer at TAFE WA. With over 25 years’ experience working with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, Lorraine is looking forward to her new role with AUS where she is hoping to increase education, training and employment outcomes for Indigenous Peoples.

Contact Lorraine

Gloria Ann Lockyer

Executive Director

Gloria’s Traditional Owner connections span both her mother’s and father’s lineage even though she was born and bred in the Pilbara. She has ties to the Karriyarra, Yindjibarndi, Yawuru and Nyoongar nations, and she grew up in Hedland. Gloria has worked for over 30 years in community and economic development. Gloria is qualified in the areas of Community Development, Economics, Accounting and Psychology and has worked in all areas in Western Australia.
Gloria is looking forward to her new role with AUS where she is hoping to incorporate Corporate Social Responsiveness into business development outcomes.

Contact Gloria


By working closely with our network of depots, in Tom Price, Newman and Port Hedland, we are able to provide transport and logistics solutions across the whole Pilbara.


Suppling prime movers and tankers to deliver fuel into FMGL operations on day and night 24 hr coverage. Delivering bulk fuels to mine sites and rail maintenance facilities across the Karratha region.


Providing traffic management services to clients including: Traffic Control Services, Traffic Management Plans, Indigenous Engagement & Procurement Solutions


A core competency in the recruitment, development and mentoring of Aboriginal essential services employees ranging from general labour through to skilled operators of equipment.